We’re overjoyed to share that….we’re pregnant!

It almost doesn’t feel real to write these words but at the same time we couldn’t be more excited or ready. Becoming a mom is something I have always dreamed about and I was filled with joy when I found out this dream was soon becoming a reality. Truth is, sometimes I really have to pinch myself and remind myself that, wow, I’m living in Europe, married to a foreigner, and now going to be a mom to a dual-national baby. While I may have thought I was just coming for one year on a post-bachelor hiatus from working corporate, I think 100% of my close friends at home knew this would be my future from the moment I landed in Denmark to study abroad many moons ago.

In some ways it feels like we’ve known forever, and in other ways it feels like we just found out yesterday, so I just know the rest of this pregnancy will just fly by. We’re trying to soak up every moment and spend as much time as just the two of us before we’re a family of three. So get ready! Baby L is due late winter 2022! I’ll be sharing more about my first trimester (it’s nothing like I expected, ha!)

This baby is already so well loved, and we cannot wait to meet him/her! 🤍

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